You just received your Naill Digitizing box. Amazing! Here are the steps and best practices for packaging your order.

1. Make sure to read the booklet closely

The booklet for packaging your order is full of very important information. If you don’t read it closely, you might mess something up, We are not responsible for damaged or lost photos during shipping.

2. Put loose photos inside sealable bags

This will help you and us keep your photos safe and organized. This will keep them in one space without being able to move around or fall out of place.

3. Make use of the provided labels

The labels provided will help us keep track of everything and stay organized. There are 5 labels included with your order inside your getting started booklet. If you need more, download them here or scan the QR code inside your booklet.

4. Make sure to put on a new shipping label

You will have a new shipping label included inside your booklet. Make sure to put that shipping label over the original. If you don’t, then we won’t be able to receive your photos and won't be able to scan them. If you have local delivery, then you don’t need to do anything.

5. Tape it securely

Use packaging tape, if possible. This will ensure that your box won’t break open, causing everything to fall out. If you don’t have any tape, bring it to your local UPS Store and ask them to package it.

6. Fill out the pre-packing form completely.

The pre-packing form is very important to us. We use it to see if you have any requests, such as separating your photos, what item numbers there are, if any were damaged, and much more. If you do not fill it out, we will not be able to ensure that your photos may be lost or possibly cause us to think we lost some, even though the label was damaged. If you do not fill it out, we are not responsible if your photos are lost while in our custody.

⚠️ Make sure everything is secure and will not fall apart during shipping. We are not responsible for lost or damaged photos during shipping. ⚠️